Grow Your Local Business With Us!
Totally Hands Off
Automated Re-Marketing
No Hidden Fees
How It Works
Step 1: The Gateway 🚪
With every Aeth Local business, the first step is outfitting your store with our interactive QR code pedestals. Each of our custom made pedestals will house a unique and totally trackable QR code that when scanned will take customers to a custom built landing page for your business.
Step 2: The Opt-In ✍️
Once your customer scans the code, they will be taken to the opt-in page. We will build out this opt-in page tailored to your individual business. This form will capture vital customer information like their name and contact info (email or phone number).
This info will then be automatically added to your remarketing channels and stored on our own extra backup list for added security.
They will then be sent down a different email funnel depending on how they answered the "qualifier question" that is at the bottom of the form. And that is where the magic happens!
Automated Email/SMS List Integration 📩
Automated Customer Review Management 😁
100% Hands Off For The Business Owner 👐
Step 3: Remarketing Time 💵
Once the form has been filled out, depending on how the form "qualifier" question(s) is answered, then customer gets sent down a specially designed email or SMS marketing funnel that is designed to nurture them over time and get them to fall more in love with your business, and then prompt them with actionable promotions that make them jump at the bit to come back and buy from you!
This is all totally hands off from you! Our experience running email marketing campaigns for clients has taught us how to create email strategies and write emails that convert. These emails will be scheduled and sent our to each customer at the perfect time.
The best part, this all requires virtually no work from you!
Automated Email Flows Designed To Nurture & Convert 💌
Custom Designed & Written Emails For Your Business 🖌️
Proven Strategies ✔️
Real Businesses, Real Results.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐| SoulScents
The experience with Rob & Eric at Aetheris was absolutely amazing. With me just starting my suite I had really no idea what I was doing when it came to the digital side of things. I am good with social media but that is about it. They built me my website, helped me ensure my Google presence was squared away, and were able to help put the systems in place to really help my suite out every single month!
-Gina Avino (Owner)
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐| Automotive Army
The automated marketing solutions have been a name changer for our business. Customers emails are automatically added to the system and we have to do basically nothing at all and our emails generate revenue on autopilot.
Some Of Our Partners
What Do I have to Do to Help You Set This Up For My Business?
Simple, we will have a preliminary discussion with you and a form for you to fill out and between the two of those pieces of information we will be able to build out a tailor made remarketing system for your business. The duration of that automated system will depend on the package that you choose!
How Will I Be Able To See If This Is Working?
Tracking is the lifeblood of any advertising, which is why we can track every step of the process. From QR Code scans to discount usage and email open rates, you will be able to monitor exactly what the data is for each step of the process.
What If I Want More Than One Scannable Pedestal?
No problem! We are happy to provide you with more pedestals with their own unique QR codes so you can track which one performs better within your physical location relative to the others. If you are just ordering a pedestal to have the same QR Code then we will just charge you a one time fee of $30 per extra pedestal. If the pedestals will have special criteria that differentiate submissions then there will be a small monthly cost associated with each new pedestal.
Why Don't I Just Print My Own QR Codes?
Nothing is stopping you from doing that, you can print your own if you want. But doing it yourself you won't get our professionally built our backend systems, our marketing expertise, or our 24/7 support! When you think about it, why add more to your plate? Especially for the price that we are charging, it is a no brainer to go with the pros! To set all the softwares up yourself that won't work as well as our system, you will still end up paying more going the DIY route.
Starter Package
Custom pedestal creation
Trackable QR code created for your business
Custom opt-in landing page creation
Linkage of opt-ins and your email/SMS marketing channels
Secure backup storage of your opt-ins
Single welcome email/SMS automation
Monthly testing and maintenance for your system
Standard tracking reports & tools
Deluxe Package
Custom pedestal creation
Trackable QR code created for your business
Custom opt-in landing page creation
Linkage of opt-ins and your email/sms marketing channels
Secure backup storage of your opt-ins
One month welcome email/SMS automation (4-5 emails)
Monthly testing and maintenance for your system
Advanced tracking reports & tools
Usage of your domain on the opt-in page and email marketing materials
Elite Package
Custom pedestal creation
Trackable QR code created for your business
Custom opt-in landing page creation
Linkage of opt-ins and your email/sms marketing channels
Secure backup storage of your opt-ins
Two months of welcome email/SMS automation (4-5 emails)
Monthly testing and maintenance for your system
Advanced tracking reports & tools
Usage of your domain on the opt-in page and email marketing materials
Holiday promotional marketing emails for 8 major holidays of your choice